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Fears and Phobias

Mastering Fear and Phobias

We all need to feel some level of fear. In dangerous situations, such as if your house is on fire, your body will trigger the natural ‘fight or flight’ response, where adrenaline is activated and increased, enabling you to get out of the house quickly. But in the case of a phobia, this response can be triggered even when the threat is minimal or non-existent. For example, it is natural to be afraid of a snarling doberman that is unattended, but it is irrational to be terrified of a sweet poodle that is with his owner on a leash 200 yards away; but this is how you may feel if you suffer from extreme fear or phobia of dogs.

What’s more, almost everyone has an irrational fear: just the thought of visiting the dentist, public speaking or even a tiny spider can bring on sweating or palpitations. Many people can manage these irrational fears – but when fear prevents you from doing something you want to do or makes you avoid something for irrational reasons, it has become a disabling factor in your life and can be called a phobia.

When you have a phobia, most likely you know it is irrational but you still cannot control how you feel and react. If you are avoiding socialising with people or taking classes for fear of the attention; not taking a promotion that would mean giving presentations; missing doctor/dentist appointments because of fear of needles/blood; not visiting family/friends because of the drive there; walking an extra two miles to avoid crossing a bridge, then you may have a phobia.

A combination of Hypnotherapy and NLP is the ideal approach to overcoming any Fears and Phobias. These powerful mind techniques are highly effective and proven in challenging negative thoughts and changing how the subconscious mind reacts to different situations.

I can help you overcome your fear with:

  • Help in releasing any emotional attachments/blocks from past events
  • Breathing and relaxation techniques to manage feelings
  • Therapeutic training to enable you to face your fears and step through them

There is no fear or phobia that is not treatable. Here are some of the more common ones:

  • Fear of Crowds – Demophobia
  • Fear of Flying – Aviatopophobia
  • Fear of Heights – Acrophobia
  • Fear of Water – Hydrophobia
  • Fear of Wasps and Bees – Spheksophobia & Apiphobia
  • Fear of Death – Thanatophobia
  • Fear of Open Spaces – Agorophobia
  • Fear of Enclosed Spaces – Claustrophobia
  • Fear of Public Speaking – Glossophobia
  • Fear of Dogs – Cynophobia
  • Fear of Needles – Aichmophobia
  • Fear of Blood – Hemophobia
  • Fear of Spiders – Arachnophobia
  • Fear of Darkness – Nyctophobia

The list of fears and phobias is endless.  If your fear or phobia, whatever it may be, is having a negative impact on you or is limiting your full participation in life, then it’s time to take steps to rid yourself of it permanently.

‘Hi Wendy, just to let you know I had a lovely holiday and all went well on the flights. I felt relaxed and even managed to read and enjoy the flight. Thanks so much for all your help.’ Rachael (Ranelagh)

‘I did another presentation last night and it went brilliantly. Thank you so much Wendy.’  Lisa

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Fears and Phobias

The list of fears and phobias is endless. If your fear or phobia, whatever it may be, is having a negative impact on you or is limiting your full participation in life, then it’s time to take steps to rid yourself of it permanently.