Hypnosis is a state of relaxation with a heightened level of awareness. It is like a daydream state which we are all in many times a day e.g. if we are so engrossed in a movie or book and unaware of people around us or time passing. It is the safest most natural thing in the world.
is the work done while the conscious mind is relaxed; it accesses the most powerful part of our minds, the subconscious, to make those changes we desire. There are two entirely different treatments in conscious hypnosis namely Suggestion Therapy and Analytical Therapy.
is used for problems such as smoking, nail biting, pre-test nerves, slimming, confidence boosting and public speaking. This is not an exhaustive list and is intended as a guide. Typically one to three sessions with the therapist will be required.
is used to identify the symptoms and root causes of more complex issues thereby releasing the issue. During therapy the client will be in a state of heightened awareness induced by suggestion therapy. This doctrine is also known as ‘Cause and Effect’.
reveals the cause and ultimately relieves the symptoms. The moment of liberating enlightenment may come anytime but usually requires six to ten sessions of therapy.
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) can create powerful interventions and behavioural change. It allows you to improve your life and reach your full potential.
Coaching allows you to take control of your life and puts you in the driving seat.
Pushing out the boundaries of personal sporting achievement by aligning thought patterns to body movements thus maximising performance.
Find out what direction you want to take in life
Constantly looking at seeking success, developing new strategies and embracing change.
Stress is the opposite of relaxation. Replace the habit of stress with the habit of relaxation. Improve your overall health and wellbeing and free yourself from the effects of stress.
Losing weight is not just about eating less and exercising more. To achieve permanent weight loss, you need to change how you feel and think about food, so that you can make the transition to a healthier, slimmer you for the rest of your life. Permanent loss of excess weight is empowering, confidence-boosting and life-enhancing.
Everybody feels worried or fearful at some point in their life. But one in three people suffer from severe Anxiety or Panic Attacks. If you are one of them, rest assured that you can escape the grip of anxiety and move on to live your life fully and with confidence.
Whether you smoke 40 cigarettes a day or 2 cigarettes a week, you will be surprised how easy it is to quit and remain a non-smoker for good. As a specialist in behaviour modification and smoking cessation I have helped thousands of clients stop smoking easily and naturally
The list of fears and phobias is endless. If your fear or phobia, whatever it may be, is having a negative impact on you or is limiting your full participation in life, then it’s time to take steps to rid yourself of it permanently.