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Public Speaking

Fear of Public Speaking

Wendy You’re hypnotherapy sessions provided me with the tools to face and overcome challenges and seek out new and exciting opportunities. Thank you so much.” Anna (Sandyford)

Learn how to feel calm, relaxed and in confident when speaking in Public. Eliminate stress and anxiety.

The Fear of Speaking in Public is the number one fear in the Western World. More people fear public speaking more than they fear dying.

Giving presentations, making a speech, speaking in front of a group, or audience or giving a talk can be a terrifying experience for many people. Even the thought about an upcoming event or talk can leave somebody feeling:

  • Highly anxious
  • Panicky
  • A tightness in the chest
  • Palpitations
  • Breathless
  • Sweating
  • Blushing

Feeling nervous or fearful can lead to avoiding business opportunities, promotions, jobs or interviews. Students may avoid class for fear of presenting or being called upon. It can also have an affect in relationships as the fear may include social settings also.

Common thoughts people have with a fear of public speaking are:

  • What will people think of me
  • What if I make a fool of myself
  • People might laugh at me
  • I may start blushing

The good news is using hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching you can learn how to channel that nervousness into a positive energy and feel comfortable and confident talking in any situation.

Fear of Public Speaking is an irrational fear and one that can may stem back to childhood. However, it can easily be eliminated in as little as 3 sessions by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind with safe, easy and natural methods. Through guided imagery and visualisation using Hypnosis, NLP and Coaching you learn the tools and techniques to increase confidence and reduce stress and anxiety.

I did another presentation last night and it went brilliantly.  Thank you so much Wendy.’ Lisa (Killester)

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